Speed of light
Traveling the speed of light traumatizes a man as his mind expands and he sees from the experience and eyes of everyone and everything around him. He pieces himself together and struggles to stay alive as he learns to control his new abilities, discovers his wife’s death was not an accident and her killers are after him.
Project Details
Client: Paralight Publishing
Books / Apps

Beau and The Beanstalk
Beau is an adolescent giant who is ridiculed in a magical kingdom in the clouds and climbs down a beanstalk to meet Jack, a hack-magician with a love of fire tricks, who will do anything to be the star of the circus.
Project Details
Client: Paralight Publishing
Humbug a Christmas Carol
A heartwarming Christmas story. Winterton is a frozen town with frozen hearts and frozen people. A magical humbug that attracts the magical reindeer of Santa is brought to the town of Winterton by a little orphan girl.
Project Details
Client: Paralight Publishing

Lundon's Bridge and The Three Keys
This modern day adventure forces an unsuspecting family to become the weapon to fight the war which rages on the land and under the sea.
Project Details
Client: C-IT Entertainment
The Grump on The Stump
A grumpy girl overcomes her own behaviors and sees herself for who she is, a wonderful young girl.
Project Details
Client: Dew Crew Books

Kyree Sue our Bug-A-Boo
Kyree learns how to accept a new sibling into her life. This book is a great tool for parents and children as their family expands.
Project Details
Client: Dew Crew Books
Beau and The Beanstalk APP
Beau is an adolescent giant who is ridiculed in a magical kingdom in the clouds and climbs down a beanstalk to meet Jack, a hack-magician with a love of fire tricks, who will do anything to be the star of the circus.
Project Details
Client: Paralight Publishing

Humbug a Christmas Carol APP
This is an interactive, animated, illustrated book which includes a cast of actors playing the parts.
Project Details
Client: Paralight Publsihing